Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weigh It!

This is the weighing scale I brought from Walmart for $5. It's really great. I have to weigh my meats and make sure that it's 1 oz. I remember the first time I weighed my fish. I cheated and added more then what I was supposed to. Ok, actually I whined because it was such little meat, but actually all we need is the serving size of a deck of cards.
Anywho....this scale is very helpful and good to have in the kitchen. I use the scale for veggies and fruit as well. Very nice.

Ok lovely people, this is what I have been doing. I have cut out my meat intake for dinner. Eventually I will be going meatless. I lie not, I'm tired of chowing down on meat. I still love my shrimp and salmon. That is what I will be mostly eating until I completely go vegetarian. So step by step, bit by bit, that's how I'm doing it.

I didn't weigh in Monday, but I will next Monday for you all. I am officially a size 8 and very content with it, however I still want to lose a couple more pounds. Eight will do it. I don't want to have any fat rolls over my jeans. As of now I just have a little pouch and just a little pug on the side. I want to be solid.

Ok, lovely people thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dinner Time!

-7 Scallops (1 oz.)
-1/2 cup collard greens
-1/2 cup of raw shredded cabbage
-1/2 cup of applesauce (I put a lot of cinnamon in it)
-1/2 cup of pineapples (I sprinkled cinnamon on top)

Nothing complicated, just simple basic food. The seasoning I used was apple vinegar for my greens and cabbage. Meat, I think I used garlic and onion powder and pepper.

Dinner time is my favorite because I feel like I'm eating a lot. I get to have 2 fruits, so I look at that as my dessert. Don't forget, if you try this eating style only 1 ounce of meat!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Weigh In Stat!/Purchase From Forever 21

Here It Is!

I was 146lbs last week and now I'm 143.6lbs! I lost 3lbs, for whatever reason I thought I was going to lose more but that's a good amount. I'm still eating in 3 small meal portions and no snack. Guys, it's not easy (sometimes)! There are times I have my days where I just want to pull my hair out or go order or eat the foods that I miss. I crave peanut butter!!! I want it so bad! What do I have to do to have a peanut butter jelly sandwich! Ginger snap cookies with a TALL cold glass of milk I cry for! I whine, I plead, I want! But I know this is for my good health and self-discipline and self-control. Remember my cheat days? HA! No more cheat days, there is no such, so do you all feel my pain? I have my kidneys to remind me of why I have to eat the way I do. I have my dietitian to remind me why I have to eat the way I do. I still have discomfort and pain from the kidney biopsy to remind me of why I have to eat the why I do. Talk about need a relief!!!! Talk about deprived!!!!! Whaaaaaa, sniff, sniff! Oh well, get over it! Lol!

What keeps me going? This is the best I have looked in decades! My skin glows like crazy! I have gotten so many compliments on my face! Smooth, silky, soft, glowy. Eating natural (no processed foods, no chicken, red meat) really does show in your skin. Remember, all I drink is water and I may have cranberry juice which is water down 2x a week. I don't know my exact size yet, but hopefully I'll go to a store and try on some jeans. ALL the pants I had I can no longer wear because they are too big! I had to get rid of the 12, and 10! I'm loving my mystery size, lol!


Big rings! If you like these rings you can get them from
My favorite one is the flower ring. Usually I would have gone for a more subtle color, but you know I need to live more and go for a louder color, so I did red! I love it too!
Black and white ring cost $6.80 each and the red flower, I forgot, but it wasn't more then $6.

Now bargin shoppers as myself, guess what? The blk and white ring I first saw at and they wanted close to $30 for those rings. Then Traci Lynn was selling those same rings for $24! Then I went to Forever21 (always check F21 they have stuff cheaper) and viola $6 bucks! Holla!!!!!!

I had a Dr.'s appt. today in Baltimore this morning, that's why there was a in delay posting. I was thinking about you all...I wasn't going to stand yall up for weigh in.


Check new pic on right, it was taken last week. Size 10 pants were sagging.

Friday, March 19, 2010

6 Seasonings I Use...So Far.....

From left to right:

-Apple Cider Vinegar
-Onion powder
-Ground Cinnamon
-Garlic Powder
-Salt Free All Purpose Seasoning
-Black Pepper

So there you have it. Pretty boring but that's what it is. You all can use salt, but for my current health condition I have to refrain from salt for a while.
I use the vinegar for mostly salads, collard greens, cabbage, and sometimes carrots. So good! I put lots of cinnamon on my fruit too, especially the applesauce and pineapples. Or I'll put cinnamon in my cream of wheat. Kinda weird, but the taste is ok.
I love the salt free all purpose seasoning in my pasta, and rice, mmmmm, so many flavors on my tongue. It's like a burst of herbs dancing in my mouth!
I do like some spiciness and that's of course the black pepper. I prefer the hot crushed peppers, but the dietitian recommend not too. Sad face. I have to keep it simple for now, but as time goes on I know I will be able to have more seasonings.

Ok lovely people, thanks for stopping by! Weigh in Monday so stay tuned, ok.....
Enjoy your weekend and be safe!
Muah! Thanks for the support!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This Is What My Breakfast Looks Like

This is my breakfast:

-1/2 grapefruit
-1/2 cup of blueberries
-1 cup of slim milk
-1/2 cup of plain corn flakes

Not every morning I eat cereal, but you better believe I have 2 pieces of fruit with a 1/2 of serving of something else, ie, cream of wheat, grits, toast...and not all the time I have milk. I have to watch my dairy intake. I try to milk 1-3 servings a week.

So here is a sample written out menu of how I eat:

Breakfast: -1/3 cup of cooked oatmeal (I also have to watch my phosphorus intake)
-2 tbsp. of raisins
-1/2 cup of cherries (fresh or frozen)

Lunch: -1 oz. (yes ONE OUNCE!) of salmon and that's with every meat
-1/2 cup of applesauce
-1/2 cup of cucumbers (5 slices)

Dinner: -1 oz. of fresh fish/frozen not breaded or processed
-1/2 cup of blueberries
-1/2 cup of pineapples
-1/2 cup of raw cabbage
-1/2 cup of broccoli

Applesauce has been my best friend, lol. That's what they gave me all the time in the hospital and now I pretty much eat it with every meal. The key is to eat 1/2 cup of everything, that's what I am instructed to do for this season. So it's portion control. It can be very frustrating in the beginning but as time goes on you get used to it.

Keep in mind all your meats are only 1 ounce!!!! Ohhhh how I cried when I heard that, but if you all wanted to know how I lost, this is it. I don't eat red meat, or chicken. I only eat shrimp (4), fresh fish (1 oz.), scallops (7), crab meat (1 oz.), lobster, oysters, and clams (3 medium). However, I mainly eat fresh fish, shrimp, and scallops, that's it. Eventually, I will be going vegetarian.

I have gotten so many compliments on my face of how clear and it glows. I drink only water and cranberry juice (which is a 1/2cup plus I add water to it).

Oh, before I forget! NO SALT!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I forgot and that's the main reason! Well almost. I DO NOT PUT SALT ON ANY OF MY FOOD, NONE!!!!!! It took forever for me to adjust. I'm not allowed too, but for you all you can. I will post later about the seasonings I use.

So there you have it! Any questions, please feel free to leave it in the comments. I have no problem telling.

Stay tuned Bloggers......

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Don't laugh, but this is who I work out with. No it's not Billy Blanks, Bollywood Bodies, All Star Work Outs, Brazilian Butt Lift, Insanity, or some fancy high gear overrated die hard workout, but it's good ole Gilad from Hawaii! No, he doesn't have all the glist and glamour but the brother gets the job done. Since I'm still recovering from the kidney biopsy, he's the best for me during this season. Small simple moves have tone and slim me down tremendously! Its amazing how I don't have to go at a high extreme heart busting movement to get the heart rate up. With Gilad, all you have to do is focus on the muscle and make it burn! Heart rate will go up and you will slim down with basic moves. Confession, when I first started the workouts, I couldn't keep up at all, but as I did it everyday I was able to go a little further. Even now as I type, I still may not be able to keep up, but I keep going.

Gilad's workout time is a total of 30 minutes too. Such a plus for me. I remember when I used to workout with Billy Blanks or other hot workout gurus it would be 45 minutes to a whole whopping hour or even more! I don't have time for all of that now. A good 20-30 minute workout is good enough. It's what you put in your mouth that really counts!

Find a workout that fits your lifestyle and make sure you have a variety too! I do like Bollywood Bodies and others, but Gilad gives me those real results. If you are a gym rat, continue to have fun with it. Whatever you do, just keep your body moving. Try something different like during a commercial break, do stomach crunches, squats or a simple stretch. You will feel good and want to do more.

I will be weighing in Monday! Remember the "Target Goal Size 12" clothes I was trying to get into? They are too big! I did put them on and was going to take pics but they were to big and falling off me! Wooooo Whoooo!!!! I was so happy! I thought I would never see this day! I feel so free and light. So just stay tuned......there's more.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ok, so this is a before pic when I was in the 200lbs......I didn't realize how swollen I was, DANG!


I didn't even plan on doing this tonight, but I was bored from Facebook and decided to check out my blogroll to see who's writing what. After reading my fav blogs, I realized how much I miss blogging. I have to give you all an update of my weight loss, but please don't be mad at me.

After the being in the hospital for a month, they put me on a STRICK eating regimen and fluid restriction. Btw, it was my kidney my dietitian has me on a low protein, lots of fruit diet and strictly water. When I went in the hospital, I was 221 due to fluid.....remember the last time I weight in I w
as 181....yup, I cried....right YNC, because I gained that weight and work so hard for it. Well to God be the Glory, I am 152 lbs and that's with jeans on. Check this out! I'm a not a size 12.... and size 10 are falling off on I must be a tight eight!!

OMG, God is good, He gave me double for my trouble! Everyone was so amazed!!!!! And so was I and still can't believe it. I have a whole new eating habit lifestyle and will be going vegetarian very soon. You see I had too much protein, and potassium in my kidneys and they were being over worked. Along with the sodium, which is a killer! I'm not allow to have my fav food....we all know it's PIZZA. But you know, I'm getting used to it. Enough of chatting, will show pics! I will give a sample menu of what I'm allow to eat, etc...bare with me for now.

Love you all so much and thanks for the love.

That's me on the left! I need to lose several more
to be in a comfortable 8! Maybe 5-7lbs! I will be
updating again cuz your girl is back and I will do more recipes of what/how I'm

As you can see, I love Bebe!
I will do a full body shot later, but I had too hook yall up. Muah, muah! Thanks for being patience with me!

The New Lady A!