Friday, November 6, 2009

Did I Eat the Cake?: Follow up from birthday party

So remember I wanted cake at the party tonight? I'm proud of myself. After I posted the last entry, I got a banana. Then later I ate a very green leafy salad with all the right fixings. Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, boiled egg, red onions and a couple of other things. I also had several crackers to go with the salad. It was good. Yet cake was still on my mind.

We went to Chuckie Cheese and the smell of pizza hit me hard. Mmmm, mmm good! Because I was bad this week, I wasn't even tempted. I was looking for the cake (am I crazy or what?) but didn't see it. All I saw were cupcakes. Cupcakes? Oh heck no, I will not cheat over some whack box cake mix cupcakes, lol! Oh please, don't even worry bout a sista. So needless to say, I didn't have any cupcakes. I was relieved that it was what it was!

So there you have it. I made the right decision. I ate healthy. So that is my high point for this week even though I didn't do to well over the week.
Weigh in is around the corner. Regardless what the scale will say, I am still proud of myself because I made the right choice tonight.

3 Bits of Love:

Myne said...

Good on you A, well done. I love baking but I've also stopped that to help myself.

Yankeenaijababe said...

that's really good that you stayed away from the cupcakes, proud of you for having a banana after typing the moist cake entry. I know, I know it's going to be hard when trying to lose the weight, the goodies will always be tempting especially with the holiday season coming have to be extra extra careful. I am happy for you, you on the right track

Lady A said...

@YNC, it wasn't easy at first, but those cupcakes turned me off, lol. I was hoping for a real cake, lol.